Awards & Honours


Faculty and Academics Award, Rookie – Staff Award
MaKami College (Public Independent Academic Institution), Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Tin Ka Ping Foundation Educational Research Assistantship – Award based
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)


Year Prize for Academic Excellence (2020-2021) – Achieved the highest GPA in the program
Dean’s Honour List (2020-2021)
The Education University of Hong Kong

HKSAR Government Scholarship (2020-2021)
Education Bureau, Government of the HKSAR


Year Prize for Academic Excellence (2019-2020) – Achieved the highest GPA in the program
Dean’s Honour List (2019-2020)
The Education University of Hong Kong

HKSAR Government Scholarship (2019-2020)
Education Bureau, Government of the HKSAR


Student Exchange Scholarship (2018-2019)
The Education University of Hong Kong

Latest Project

“Digital Choi Hung” is a practice-based research project. It explores cultural memory and identity by collecting daily objects and memories. from Choi Hung Estate residents across generations. Using transmedia storytelling, the project aims to enhance community well-being and support cultural preservation during urban redevelopment.

The research outputs include a Game-based Online Archive, a Reflexive Poem Tool, and Pilot Research Highlights with a reflective poem workbook.