Creative Output

Artist-researcher, Digital Choi Hung: A game-based interactive online archive adopting transmedia storytelling to examine city redevelopment, cultural identity, and cultural memories, United Kingdom

Artist-researcher, My Personal Index, Practice-based Research in Sustainable Practice, United Kingdom, Canada
Artist-researcher, The Message Index, Practice-based Research in Cultural Memory and Identity, United Kingdom, Canada

Artist-researcher, The Spatial Index, Practice-based Research in Cultural Memory, United Kingdom, Canada
Guest Speaker, Workshop: Positive Education Through New Media Arts, Junior Chamber International Harbour, Hong Kong
Curator, #StopTheWar, Virtual Exhibition, A R T•9, Hong Kong

Curator, Metaphysical Ging Zik, Virtual Exhibition, A R T•9, Hong Kong
Organizer, World Mental Health Day 2021, Online Showcase, A R T•9, Hong Kong

Creative Collaborator, It All Begins with a Word at ReNew Vision Festival, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Government of Hong Kong SAR
Curator, “2020, but…”, Virtual Exhibition, A R T•9, Hong Kong
Artist, Screenshot, Exhibition, Gallery Lane Cove + Creative Studios, Australia
Featured Artist, Art Hole Magazine, Vol. 04, United Kingdom

Presenter, Radio Broadcast, Fontys Academy for the Creative Economy, The Netherlands

Artist, Exchange Exhibition, Kyung Hee University, South Korea

Artist-educator, Pinhole Camera Workshop: Never Get Sick of Photography, Hong Kong
Artist, Fresh Eyes, Exhibition, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong
Assistant Editor-in-Chief (External), Open Voice Vol.2.1 to 2.3, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong

Latest Project

“Digital Choi Hung” is a practice-based research project. It explores cultural memory and identity by collecting daily objects and memories. from Choi Hung Estate residents across generations. Using transmedia storytelling, the project aims to enhance community well-being and support cultural preservation during urban redevelopment.

The research outputs include a Game-based Online Archive, a Reflexive Poem Tool, and Pilot Research Highlights with a reflective poem workbook.